Ecuador Tours and Expeditions Agency

Caldo de 31

Ecuadorian gastronomy has variety and history, since some dishes date back hundreds of
years and are still valid today. One of them is the famous Caldo de 31, food that contains a large amount of protein to raise people’s energy.
It is prepared with the entrails of beef such as the heart, udder, tripe, belly, lung and
even the nerve, which is boiled and cleaned with lemon. It is served accompanied by potatoes, nickname, lemon and avocado.
The leader Pedro Aucatoma maintains that it is an ancestral indigenous recipe also known
as “Broth of life”. Every end of the month, the landowners slaughtered a head of cattle, discarding the entrails that were used and collected by their workers and prepared to their liking from where it apparently took the name of Caldo de 31 because it was the end of the month.
He maintains that those who eat are brought back to life by the amount of protein. The broth has thick texture and served hot, in some people it produces dizziness, which later
revitalizes them.
In indigenous communities children are fed because it strengthens the intestine and its
stomach is fortified so that you do not suffer from stomach problems in the future.

Tungurahua Turismo (s,f)

Recetas 123 (s,f)

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