Ecuador Tours and Expeditions Agency

Ceviche de Camarón

The origin of ceviche comes from the Kichwa word “siwichi” from the Santa Elena region, which was a spicy preparation, mostly made with raw fish, Ecuadorian fruits such as taxo, passion fruit, and Ecuadorian herbs such as chillangua. With the arrival of the Spanish, introduced ingredients were combined with local preparations, resulting in dishes like ceviche. That’s why it is a mixed dish that is widely consumed in the country, and new preparations have emerged while some old ones have been recovered.

Some of the ingredients that go into ceviche include fresh fish (tilapia, picudo, róbalo, lenguado, corvina, dorado, etc.), shrimp, octopus, chicken, chochos, mushrooms, and more. It also includes lime, orange, paiteña, chili pepper, salt, pepper, cumin, ajinomoto, Worcestershire sauce, peanuts, avocado, and more.

Recetas de Ceviche (29, Mayo 2019)

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