Ecuador Tours and Expeditions Agency

Bolon de Verde

Although there is no accurate data on the origin of this snack, several historians agree that it originated on the coast and is a traditional dish of the Montubio people, perhaps centuries after the arrival of the plantain to South America, brought by Friar Tomás de Berlanga in 1516.

Cuban historian Fernando Ortiz points out that this recipe has African roots and is still very popular in Cuba, where it is called ‘Fufú de plátano’: mashed plantain mixed with pork cracklings. This was the food of African slaves, prepared by English conquerors who, when serving their rations, would say “food, food.”

Historian Roldofo Pérez Pimentel notes that on the coasts of Ecuador, it was customary to drink coffee with patacones, yucca bread, or bolón de verde, before wheat arrived in Ecuador in 1852.

From what is known, the preparation of this food would have spread throughout Manabí, north of Guayas, and then to Guayaquil, to be consumed by the “common people” and not by wealthy people who are accustomed to having coffee with bread and cheese for breakfast.

Over time, its consumption became popular in Guayaquil and currently, the bolón de verde can be enjoyed at stalls, kiosks, venues, and restaurants in all sectors of the city.

Red Ecuador (s,f)

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